- Why It’s Hard to Lose Belly Fat: Your Diet Perspectiveby Mirriam AkiruMany people rely on extreme diets like keto, intermittent fasting, or juice cleanses to lose belly fat. While these might work in the short term, they often don’t address long-term fat loss…
- OMAD (One Meal A Day): How effective is it?by Mirriam AkiruOMAD is a form of intermittent fasting where an individual consumes all their daily calories in a single meal, usually within a one-hour window. This eating pattern involves fasting for the remaining 23 hours of the day. Unlike other diets, OMAD doesn’t focus on what you eat but rather when you eat…
- Viral Diets Women Follow Blindly.by Mirriam AkiruVeganism involves eliminating all animal-based products and focusing entirely on plant-based foods. While this lifestyle is ethical and environmentally conscious, many adopt it without understanding its nutritional demands…
- Nutrition for Gestational Diabetes: A Guide for Moms-to-Beby Mirriam AkiruChoose Low Glycemic Index (GI) Foods: Opt for foods that release sugar slowly into the bloodstream. Examples include whole grains, legumes, non-starchy vegetables, and certain fruits like berries and apples…
- Healthy Eating Habits Every Mom Can Teach Her Kidsby Mirriam AkiruChildren often emulate their parents’ behaviors. If you prioritize healthy eating, your kids are likely to follow suit. Keep a variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains at home, and demonstrate making nutritious choices during meals…
- Debunking Diet Myths Popular Among Womenby Mirriam AkiruMary skips breakfast to “save calories,” but by lunchtime, she ends up eating more food than she would have had if she started the day with a balanced meal like porridge or a fruit smoothie…
- Plant-Based Diets for Diabetes: For blood sugar control.by Mirriam AkiruPlant-based diets are naturally high in dietary fiber, which slows the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, preventing sudden spikes in blood sugar. Fiber-rich foods like beans, lentils, and whole grains…
- Social Media Influence on Diets.by Mirriam AkiruFad Diets: Many influencers may advocate for extreme and sometimes harmful diet practices, such as the ketogenic diet, intermittent fasting, or juice cleanses, often without professional guidance…
I think dieting needs to follow some rules but now women just doing diet without thinking side effects.Well shared
Thank you for raising awareness about unintentional weight loss—it’s something we often overlook, thinking weight loss is always a good…
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